Jim woes

Monday, January 08, 2007

20 years later...

Ha! If you haven't guessed it yet, that's RVW. Not a clue? Waking up a little late? That is right. I am the embodiment of Rip Van Winkle, that guy who fell asleep and woke up in a different world. Just like him, I feel I have missed the boat. Granted, I am getting old but the pace of technology changes is happening at such speed that one day without an alarm clock can signify losing all your money to an identity theft crackhead just because you missed the news or article or program or blog where you could have learned about it and how to prevent it.

Not a single day goes by that a new word enters my personal lexicon, aside from the ones I make up trying to understand what is really going on and where will it stop, if ever or anywhere. From gps gadgets embedded in cell phones to complete automated checkouts at the groceries to even video dating, the world seems to be running upside down, down by sides and all is going by the way side. Just yesterday, I watched a program on TV where some scient-dude mentioned the glaciers up north were melting at such a rapid pace that before the year 2050 we will see colossal destruction and reach a point of no return. A few years back, I would have gotten sad and worrried but since science nowadays takes such giant leaps in such short time, 2050 is not only around the corner, I might even look more muscular and younger by then, which is all too frightening. I leave all of you today with one thought. Let's pray. Praying -if anything- gives us a chance to disconnect to connect with what is essential about us and our planet. Just by chasing back our roots and our inner self we could be integrating aspects of ourselves we have lost to this technology frantic path. Tech is good, but just like greed... you go over board and will stop relating to your own SELF. The real YOU.